Easter is fun for people but can be a potentially dangerous time for pets! With all the festivities and treats, things can get a little hectic for our furry friends. Keep these tips in mind this Easter to keep things safe!
- Chocolate – Keep chocolate away from dogs and cats as it can be very toxic. Think your pup got into candy? Don’t wait, call PETS Hospital or ASCPA Poison Control right away.
- Easter basket fillers – This shiny bedding can look like a great toy to a dog or a cat, but can easily become a choking hazard or become lodged in the intestines. This can lead to difficulty keeping food down and may result in a lengthy surgery for your pet.
- Raw eggs – Cooked eggs can be a great snack for your pet but raw eggs are not due to potential risk of salmonella.
- Ham – This can be too fatty for your pet and can cause inflammation in the pancreas, called pancreatitis.
- Lilies – Possibly the most dangerous part of spring time for cats is lilies! These are extremely toxic to cats and can cause kidney failure.
We are closed on Easter Sunday to allow our staff time with their families, but if your pet has an emergency please call our friends at PETS Hospital, who are available 24/7, 365 days a year.