How often should my pet receive a dental?
The answer is frequently! Every 6-12months depending on how the teeth are. Take a look at some of our star patients, Simon, Marco and Noele, who have had 45 dentals between the three of them here at PBVC! Why do we recommend dentals so often? It’s for the health and happiness of your pet. Drooling, pawing at the mouth, and difficulty chewing are all signs that a visit to the vet is in order. By the time you are smelling bad breath, periodontal disease is the likely culprit.
There are great benefits to having regular dental cleanings such as better breath, less pain, and overall better health. Letting dental disease progress can lead to infections in the bones and even complicate preexisting conditions. Leslie Stone, owner of Simon, Marco and Noele, chalks up her cats’ long and healthy lives to frequent cleanings and we could not agree more! Good preventative dental care can save your pet a lot of pain and extend their life.
Leslie put it best when she said “we do dentals so we can do birthdays!”