Meet Chula, our Pismo Beach Veterinary Clinic Pet of the Week.
Six pound Chula sadly got attacked by a big dog last weekend. She was grabbed around the body, literally ripping her skin off of her, and puncturing her abdomen. Emergency surgery was needed to explore the belly (to identify and repair any punctures to her intestines or other vital organs) and repair the severe laceration. Thanks to Dr. Hennessey, Rebecca, Heidi, and Tanja staying after hours to repair her, Chula is recovering slowly but surely.
This is an extreme example of obvious abdominal penetration. However, life-threatening damage can be done internally with such attacks, even without external wounds. That’s why, even if you think your dog or cat is unscathed, she should be examined by a veterinarian immediately.
I spared the graphic “before pictures,” but you can see the extensive stitches from the pictures after surgery.