Dr. Joel Conn’s segment “Pet Tips” aired today on 95.3 The Beach! The topic was “Parasites.” Tune in every Friday morning at 7:25am to hear more Pet Tips!
Click Here to Listen: Parasites
“This week on Pet Tips We’re going to talk about Parasites
Parasites are a common concern in pets, and an increasing concern in humans as well.
Common external parasites in this area are fleas, ear mites, demodex or mange, and ticks. Fleas and ticks can transmit diseases to your pets and your family (such as tapeworms, cat scratch fever, and lyme disease) and are found year-round on the Central Coast.
Common internal parasites in this area are roundworms, tapeworms, giardia, and coccidia. These parasites are typically NOT visible with the naked eye. A microscopic fecal test is needed to evaluate for their presence. ALL of these parasites can be transmitted to people but children and seniors are at greatest risk. In fact, A 2007 Center for Disease Control study actually found that 14% of people in this country are infected with roundworms and these parasites can cause anything from diarrhea to blindness or even death in humans!!
Heartworm disease is a mosquito transmitted parasite that causes fatal heart and lung disease in dogs and cats.
You can reduce the risk of parasitic infection to your family by eliminating parasites from pets; restricting access to contaminated areas, such as sandboxes, pet “walk areas,” and other high-traffic areas; and practicing good personal hygiene. Remember, parasite eggs might be located anywhere on an animals fur.
Disposing of pet feces on a regular basis can also help remove potentially infective worm eggs before they become distributed in the environment and are picked up or ingested by pets or humans.
Since parasitic infections can occur at any time of year, it is our goal to create individualized, cost-effective parasite control programs that are safe for your pet and your family, allowing for long-term, year-round control of internal and external parasites.
There are a number of very safe and effective products available today that make parasite control a cinch, and in most cases are available in oral and topical forms. Contact your veterinarian today to develop a program that is right for your pet and your family.
This is Dr. Joel Conn from Pismo Beach Veterinary Clinic. I’ll be back next week with more pet tips. For more information, visit us online at pismobeachvet.com or come see us at 990 Price Street, Pismo Beach. We are open 7 days a week”