Everybody loves holidays and the delicious food that comes with it and many people want to share this joy with their pets, but is it safe? Learn what foods are ok (in moderation) for your festive pup and what foods to keep on your plate and away from Fido.

- Turkey
- Plain meat is usually just fine, just be sure to remove the skin before you feed it to your pet. The heavily seasoned skin on the turkey can cause pancreatitis and in large chunks can even be a choking hazard. Never allow your pet to chew on leftover bones as they can easily splinter or get stuck in the intestines.
- Ham
- Pork is usually pretty high in fat content and can really pack on the calories. This can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and pancreatitis. Save your pet from a tummy ache, and skip on the ham.
- Mashed Potatoes
- While plain potatoes may be ok, mashed potatoes usually contain lots of butter, milk, and cheese. This can cause diarrhea in lactose sensitive pets. Mashed potatoes also sometimes contain garlic or onion powder, both of which are seasonings to stay far away from!
- Stuffing
- Stuffing usually contains garlic, onions, and all sorts of other delicious human ingredients. These can cause life threatening anemia in dogs so it’s best to skip it.
- Cranberry Sauce
- Cranberry sauce is too high in sugar for your pup.
- Salads
- Be sure your salad does not include things like grapes or raisins, as both are very toxic to dogs.
- Veggies
- Plain old green beans and carrots are great treats for your furry loved ones, but not when they are in casserole form or heavily seasoned. The cream in green bean casserole is far too rich and can cause stomach upset. Sweet potatoes are ok in moderation but candied yams are not.
- Desserts
- While pumpkin can sometimes be beneficial in the diet of a canine, pumpkin pie is not. Steer clear of offering desserts to your pets, including pies, ice creams, and anything containing chocolate!
If you do decide to let your dog have a little taste of the holiday, only feed these things in moderation, as any change to a normal diet can cause an upset stomach. When in doubt, don’t risk it. If you think your pet may have eaten something toxic, call us or PETS Emergency Hospital!